
A vibrant gem in the Qu’Appelle Valley, Lumsden is renowned for its thriving community spirit and natural beauty. The town boasts a rich heritage, showcased in its historic buildings and local festivals like the Lumsden Duck Derby, a favorite among residents and visitors alike. Surrounded by stunning riverbanks and trails, Lumsden is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Families and entrepreneurs are drawn to Lumsden for its excellent schools, strong business community, and easy access to nearby Regina. Whether enjoying the charm of its local shops and eateries or participating in community events, Lumsden offers the perfect balance of small-town warmth and modern living.

Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $463K
Lowest Price $850
Highest Price $2.3M
Total Listings 43
Avg. Days On Market 136
Avg. Price/SQFT $252

Property Types (active listings)

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